Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fighting over North America

Iroquois Longhouse
Julia is sitting in our model of an Iroqouis longhouse. They were allies of the French.
Sophia wrote:
The English sent a message to Ohio telling the French to stop. George Washington volunteered to send the message. He got promoted. The English won because they learned from the French how to fight by putting their uniforms inside out and covering their barrels in mud.

King Louis XIV

Our Project was getting Louis ready for the day!First he has to be woken by his page, Julia.
Then after his doctor, Sophia, pronounces him well, his page and selected courtiers are allowed to help him dress.
His 12 to 16 course breakfast is brought one course at a time and tasted first by his page.
This is his 5th course fruit.

Julia wrote:
When Louis the XIV became king he was four and eight months old! When his minister died he declared that he would rule with no advisors. He remembered that his old minister had told him that a king should be treated like a god. He made almost everything he did like a ceremony. Even getting dressed was a big deal.