Thursday, February 12, 2009

Battle, Plague and Fire in London

Well, back to the British Isles. During the 1600's in England King Charles 1 made a mess of things causing a civil war, precipitating the Commonweath, and had to deal with a year of plague and then a fire that destroyed 4/5 of London. We chose to burn down London for our project.First we built London's crowded streets.
We identified the starting point, The bakery at Pudding Lane.So that is where we started the Great Fire.It started out slow, as did the real Great Fire. The Lord Mayor went to take a look and said, A woman could put that out!Then it began to spread from one row of houses to another!Within hours/minutes the city was in flamesIt took 3 days/minutes to put out the fire.When it was all over 4/5 of the city was in ashes!


Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

Burn baby burn!

Mrs. Laura Kay Pettit said...

Hi! I just barely noticed your school blog on Jessica's blog! I love your London project - especially the fire! It was a devestqating fire! hare to imagine the destruction, but your models made it lok real! Check out our class community diaster on my class blog!
Love ya,